


Yes, why. Isn't that always the question? Why am I using this blog, or to

coin a phrase, "blogging"? I'm not really much of a writer. I remember Mrs.

Garcia, my high school English teacher at Pasadena High, saying "Harry, you

may be the sexiest high school student alive, but you can't write." She'd

probably go to jail for that now. Back then, a comment like that from your

teacher, or a little light petting, was considered normal. Just part of the

educational process.

Anyway, I know there's a lot of young people out there, especially young

actors, who look up to me and wonder how they can be--let me coin another

phrased here--a "shooting star" like HH. That's me. I'm HH. So I hope I can

do that. If I can figure out how to get this comments thing working, I'll

answer your questions.

Posted by HH at 6:49 PM

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