


Good evening. I'm Dan Rather, and this is my blog.

As you know, for twenty-four years I was your trusted correspondent behind the anchor desk at CBS News. As you may also know, I recently stepped down from behind that desk, thanks in no small part to a group of plucky - if untrained and irresponsible - pseudo-journalists.

Apparently these "bloggers," as they call themselves, have near bottomless wells of free time with which to sit around the house in their pajamas, drink coffee, and fart around on their computers. Ironically, I now find myself in a similar situation.

As another famous Texan, Popeye, once said: "If you can't beatsk 'em, joinsk 'em. A-guh-guh-guh-guh-guh!"

A-guh-guh-guh-guh, indeed, Sailor Man.

And so, with the assistance of Jorge, a technically savvy member of the Rather household staff, I have started my own "blog."

But this "blog" is not like others you may have read in the past. That's because I bring to this endeavor the same professionalism and journalistic integrity that was a hallmark of my long tenure at CBS.

If the "blogosphere" is the menu at Taco Bell, then think of me as the chalupa. Meaty, substantive, and soaked through with delicious gooey Baja sauce.

Please do not drop me, or I may be eaten by a tiny, wisecracking Chihuahua.

Posted by Dan Rather at 6:00 PM

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