

Could David Arquette Be Any Weirder?

Courtney hasn't been too enthusiastic about Bings!, from what I'm told, so I decided to stop by her house today and persuade her in person. Some of us can't live off those Serving Sarah residuals forever, you know.

She wasn't there when I stopped by. But David Arquette was. He answered the door wearing a colander.

"Hey, Chandler!" he said.

"Hello, David," I replied. "It's good to see you."

"I see you every night on the television," he said. "Right after I see Gilligan."

We tried making small talk for a while, but really, there's only so many topics of conversation you can cover with that guy -- the weather, how various candies taste, whether dragons are evil or just misunderstood. Then, there are the prolonged periods of awkward silences where David just stares at you smiling. It's very unnerving.

"Toto once wrote a song about me," David finally said.

"I thought that was about your sister," I replied.

"I thought that was about your sister," he shot back.

Hard to imagine why Courtney wouldn't want to leave all this behind.

Posted by mp at 10:44 PM

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